
Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The Body and Mind in Healthy Aging 

The Body and Mind in Healthy Aging
The Body and Mind in Healthy Aging 

As we all grow older, we notice many changes going on in our minds and with the body.  
At this time, the body and mind is saying you need to take charge and keep yourself active and in shape. Our health in very important and needs work everyday to keep it in control.

Getting older is something we cannot control so taking charge now is very important. It is always best to start youthfully. Our diets change as we grow older, which the body starts to loose nutrients it requires to stay healthy.  As we grow older, the body loses vitamins it needs to stay strong. You might want to think about taking a supplement to increase your daily vitamins, which you are no longer getting from your meals. Aside from meals, you also need activities to keep you strong. 

  Activities play an exceedingly important role in keeping our bodies and mind in shape. As we age, we have a tendency to slow down. The slowness causes the bones stiffen and the brain starts to slow down as well. Our brains and body need as much activities as they can get to keep them from loosing the ability to function, as they should.  

Our bodies need exercise everyday or as much as possible. Get yourself into an exercise program to keep the movement going and it will help the brain at the same time. An exercise program can be done with a group making it more fun and you’ll enjoy doing it with others and at the same time as you meet new people. Keep the body moving all the time so it doesn’t get lazy and want to stop. Exercising will help you lose weight, tone up, keeps you from getting stiff and will give you something to look forward to each day. If you get bored doing the same thing each day, try walking every other day for 30 minutes and on the off days enjoy your curriculum with your new friends.

When starting a new exercise program take it slow and easy so you don’t get sore. When you start something new, such as workouts you are using muscles and parts of the body that where out of use. The muscles are tight, so you want to take it slow at the start. Begin with stretches always and end your excise with stretches as well. Don’t stop once you’ve started a program; keep going and you’ll notice a big difference? It takes time to see growth but it will benefit you in the end.

If you’re feeling sick, don’t always take it into your own hands. Some things have to be taken care of with medications, so if you’re feeling sick especially for more than a couple of days you need to consult your doctor. See your doctor on a regular schedule for a check up, he can sometimes catch something that you can’t before it starts to develop.

Your diet plays a vital part in maintaining your health. Being overweight is common and it should be evaluated regularly by your doctor.  If you’re overweight, it can cause many things to go wrong with your system.  

Diabetes has become increasingly in young and old alike. Diabetes if caught in time can be controlled by medications and diet. Be sure to get the right amount of carbs, fats, and protein in your diet each day to help keep the doctor away. A well balanced diet slows down the aging process and makes a healthier you. The best choice for keeping healthy, as you grow older is to exercise first, diet next, visit your doctor often, and take control of your mind and body. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017


The Heart and Healthy Aging  

The Heart and Healthy Aging
The Heart and Healthy Aging  

As we grow older we, experience higher risks of heart disease, cholesterol increase, weaken joints, muscles, and so on. Most people who experience illnesses often feel frustrated and experience feelings of despair. People who suffer illnesses or tragedies unfortunately set themselves up, saying, “It can’t happen to me.” It can happen to any of us, which is why we should take the steps in our youth to prevent illnesses and tragedies. 

Many of us fail to take the steps in our youth. It hinders us to a large degree, yet we have options regardless of what we endure. 

According to experts in aging and heart disease is rising higher these days than ever. The aging progression alone slowly builds up through impulsive changes of the body and mind. The maturity phase carries on starting at childhood as the person works through puberty, teenage and so on. At this time the body and minds starts to decline. As the person reaches mid-age or moves into advanced aging, the person starts to decline its natural physical functions. 

Aging alone starts as we are born and carries throughout our life. Through the process, the body has positive reflections on our bodily components and development, yet as we age negative effects take fold, which include the declining phase. 

According to experts in medicine, no one can determine when our body becomes aged. At one time people 65 and older where considered the aged, yet today people are working further on than 65 years of age. In short, people are working in the 70s, 80s and even 90 years of age today, which returned a different view on the aged.  Still, millions of American citizens are falling victim to heart disease, strokes, etc. 

What can they do? 

How to relieve emotional strikes after a heart attack: 
If you’ve experienced a heart attack, likely you feel frustrated, hopeless, etc. The emotions are common after any illnesses, yet you must take steps to control these negative emotions, since it only causes stress on your body. The stress will wear you down and perhaps lead to another heart attack. Let’s stop it now. After illnesses, including heart attack learn to focus on the day, instead of yesterday and tomorrow. You only have control of each day you live. Instead of sweating weeks ahead, try doing something you enjoy. Walking is a great way to reduce the risks of heart attacks. You can also visit friends or family members that make you feel good about you. 

Support is essential. If you have support, you will have friends and family members who will open their minds to your feelings. You should never allow your feelings to linger in your own mind without expressing what you feel. Express your feelings to people you trust. Take time to listen to them and let these people know what you need. For instance, if you just need a friendly ear, then let them know. Holding back emotions leads to soaring complications. 
If you can find support groups in your area that is experiencing the same thing as you, then join the team. The support will help you to share information with people who understand what you are going through. It is frustrating to express feelings with people who have not experienced similar illnesses or experiences as you. Try to find someone that you can relate to and speak your feelings. 


Exercise is the leading element we have offered to us in life that helps to reduce any disease, emotional reactions and so on. When you sit around feeling anxious, depressed, or despaired, you are working toward worse health conditions. Reverse your actions and take the steps to live longer by exercising each day. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


       Healthy Aging Starts with Stress Reduction 

Healthy Aging Starts with Stress Reduction

People are often unaware of what stress can do to their body and mind. Stress is bad for the heart. Stress will give you headaches, or make you feel depressed. Stress can do many harmful things to your body and mind, yet in some instances stress is good. Balancing stress is the key to living healthier. 

If you live with unhealthy stress, you will need to take action to reduce the volume. You have many options to relieve stress. 

Where does stress come from?
Stress develops from many different things. For instance, bills can cause you stress. Not paying your bills on time due to lack of funds can cause stress. Not having a job or kids can stress you out to the max. In addition, bad relationships can wear on your nerves. 

What can you do to get some relief from stress?
Some of the things that may help you to find relief from stress include reading a good book. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket or cool area depending on the weather and enjoy a good book. Writing is one of the top keys that help you to reduce stress. When you are overloaded with stress, write down your feelings, emotions, thoughts and so on. Writing is a great exercise, put it to good use. Avoid overdoing it, so that you learn to enjoy writing rather than feeling frustrated at the thought of writing. 

You could also enjoy a nice hot, bubble bath. Add some candles around the tub, soak and enjoy. There are many ways that people can find relief from stress; you have to decide on the best way for you to find that relief. Go with whatever works best for you. 

If you cant find a way to do it on your own perhaps you can visit your family doctor, a counselor, friend or family member that will guide you to reducing your stress. Support is a great tool. Build up a support group that helps you live healthier, rather than wearing you down. 

  What does stress do to my body?

Stress will do a lot to your body if you let it. It will control your emotions, thoughts, actions, behaviors, bodily functions and so on. If you allow stress to control you, it will bring you down to nothing, making you feel worthless. Stress can do a lot of damage to your body as well as your mind.

What can I do so I am not so stressed?

Stress can be reduced by minimizing bad habits. Try paying your bills on time if possible. If you cannot pay your bills on time due to insufficient funds, pay enough to avoid shut-off notices. You may want to setup a budget so that you spend wisely. Help is only a phone call away as well. Pick up your phone book, talk to people in your area, etc, since you just may find money available to help those with low-income pay bills. 

Another good way to avoid stress is to stay away from those who drag you down. If you have friends or family members feeding you negativity, let them go and find positive friends instead. Sometimes tough love is our way of saying, “I’ve had enough.” 

In addition, you can learn to eat healthy, exercise and put away those things that wear on your health. For instance, if you smoke, drink excessively, use drugs, etc, you are wearing heavily on your nerves. Put these things behind you if possible; otherwise seek help to put these things behind you. You have many options; check your resources to learn what is available to you.