
Monday, July 3, 2017


Green Tea: How It Can Help You Lose Weight

Today, you will see a lot of overweight people. It may be because of how we live our comfortable lives today, and it may also be because of the numerous amounts of junk food that we eat today. From your fast food joint, to your bag of potato chips, it's really not that surprising why people are becoming fat. So, if you want to lose weight, you can try getting a little help from a wonderful brew called green tea.

First of all, green tea has been used by the Chinese and Japanese for centuries. It was described as a miracle drink that is able to cure or even prevent different kinds of illnesses. Today, you can even still see green tea as one of the medicines being offered by traditional Chinese herbal pharmacists.

It has been known to prevent diabetes, cancer, as well as a cure for bad breath. However, did you know that this tea can also help in weight loss?

For those people who want to shed off those extra pounds, then you will see that this tea can do wonders. Because being overweight is linked to low metabolism rate, green tea will be perfect for you. It has certain minerals and vitamins that help in stabilizing your metabolism rate, which will help in extracting energy from food faster and also burns more fats faster.

By increasing the metabolism rate and increasing the amount of energy from food, you will also feel more active or energetic. This means that you will definitely want to use the energy that this tea can provide you. It also means that you will not get tired easily and will definitely look for physical activities to use some of that extra energy.

Another key benefit of green tea is that it is an appetite suppressant which helps in weight loss. By drinking this tea instead of munching on those potato chips that you love so much, you will see that after drinking the tea, you will have no more appetite in munching up on those bag of potato chips.

Also, by drinking this before dinner, you will be able to suppress your appetite and avoid overeating during dinner.

That is why green tea is also known as a slimming tea by the Chinese. It's no surprise that the Japanese and the Chinese don’t have a lot of overweight people. This is because of green tea and the proper diet.

You have to consider that drinking this brew is also healthier than following some of the diet fads that hit the market. That low carbohydrate high protein diet is not only ineffective, but is also very unhealthy. Diets like this are hard on your kidneys and liver and can also disrupt your metabolism rate. You have to remember that our body needs carbohydrate for energy. And, people get fat because their body doesn’t really use the energy that the carbohydrate provides. Low metabolism is also a contributing factor for low energy.

If you have this, then green tea will be able to help. It will be able to make use of the energy provided by carbohydrate more efficiently and increases your metabolism rate.

As you can see, green tea can help in weight loss. It has been proven effective and have helped a lot of overweight people get a healthier and slimmer body. 

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